Section: Software


Participants : Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous [correspondant] .

ATBR (Algebraic Tools for Binary Relations) is library for the Coq proof assistant that implements new proof tactics for reasoning with binary relations. Its main tactics implements a decision procedure for inequalities in Kleene algebras. It is available at http://sardes.inrialpes.fr/~braibant/atbr and as part of the Coq distribution contributed modules.

  • ACM: D.2.4 Software/Program Verification

  • Keywords: Binary relations, Kleene algebras, proof tactics, proof assistant

  • Software benefit: ATBR provides new proof tactics for reasoning with binary relations.

  • License: LGPL

  • Type of human computer interaction: N/A

  • OS/Middleware: Windows, Linux, MacOS X

  • Programming language: Coq